Social Media Marketing – How to Create the Ideal Social Marketing Strategy
Why should I include social media in my online marketing strategy? It’s a common question we get from our Toronto clients daily. Sure, most businesses understand that they should be somewhat active on social media, but is it worth the time and money to stay prominent on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and all the other social media platforms. Time and time again, we’re asked by business owners such as yourself, how can I measure my return on investment (ROI) on social media.
We understand, regardless of the size of your marketing budget, you need to know that your spending money in a way that’s going to increase customers and sales. Budgets are tight and you need to ensure that you are getting the best bang for your marketing buck. (more…)
Designing a Website for the Mobile World – Why Mobile Designs Matter and Why You Should Care
Mobile Design
The Internet is going mobile and it’s happening more and more every day. If you don’t have a mobile design or mobile version of your website, you’re losing a large percentage of your web traffic. Regardless, of the industry you work within, people of all ages are using their mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to view content online.
It’s estimated that there are 1.2 billion mobile web users online and some of them no longer use a desktop on a regular basis. The data also shows that more and more people enjoy shopping online from their mobile device. It’s easy to see why more smartphones are sold yearly than desktop computers. Computers aren’t going anywhere, but people are using their mobile devices a lot more than ever before.
Taking mobile-first strategy with your website design is something we recommend to all of our Toronto clients. With so many different mobile devices and screen sizes it can almost be impossible to have a custom design for each mobile user. Basically, a responsive mobile design allows adapting to any screen it is being viewed on. A responsive website design is usually the best way to make your site look great on any device. It can be the best way to ensure that all the important elements of your website appear correctly for your entire audience. It doesn’t matter what the hottest phone on the market is, or if people are using Apple or Android; your site will look great. (more…)
SEO Tips: What to Do if Your Website is Penalized by Google
The organic traffic your website gets from Google is essential for your business. Achieving high rankings in Google isn’t easy, it takes a lot of hard work, time and resources. Think about waking up one day to realize that all your SEO efforts have disappeared instantly because your site was penalized by Google. It’s scary to think that you can go from receiving thousands of visits to your website and have them all virtually removed instantly.
Penalties are nothing new for websites, but with recent updates to Google, they can happen to even the most ethically run website. Google has estimated that the search engine hands out over 400,000 manual penalties on a monthly basis. With that amount of penalties, it’s easy to see how they can happen.
Having your website penalized is not the end of the world (especially if it never happened before), there some things you can do to regain your lost SEO ranking, traffic and leads. (more…)