Social Media Marketing – How to Increase Engagement, Leads, and Traffic with Social Media Consultation

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When done correctly, social media is one of the most effective and affordable marketing tools a brand can utilize to take their brand to the next level. A well-managed social media marketing plan can lead to a great way to showcase your brand’s unique voice and personality in a relatable fashion. Time spent on social media will help improve your website’s content, SEO, and will help you drum up more high-quality leads. All these gains are rooted in a well-executed social media marketing plan.

Facebook – The world’s most popular social media platform has gone through many changes over the years, but it continues to be an essential tool for any online marketing strategy. It’s estimated that over 70 percent of adults have a Facebook account and most people have the app on their phone. With high engagement and a large community of users, Facebook is one of the best places to influence people and connect with more individuals.

Facebook has boundless advertising solutions, allowing you to display ads to a very targeted audience with an affordable budget. The company is constantly launching new advertising solutions and has an excellent analytics tool.

LinkedIn – Over the last few years, LinkedIn has exploded in growth and has become one of the most popular social media platforms. People on LinkedIn utilize the tool to build their professional network and share information related to their chosen profession. Posting interesting content on LinkedIn is an outstanding way to spread your brand. It’s important to keep your posts professional and not too salesy.

Twitter – It’s estimated that there are over 500 million Tweets sent every day, that’s around 6,000 Tweets every second. Most people don’t post on Twitter, they instead use the tool to read and share things that they find interesting. Twitter has gained a reputation for being a exceptional tool for broadcasting information in real time around the world. Many businesses have also found success on Twitter, it’s estimated that an average Twitter user follows at least five different brands and that 54 percent of users have taken an action after seeing a brand mentioned in Tweets. Twitter has also proven to be a great tool for real-time customer service with many turning to the platform to send companies direct messages.

Pinterest – A lot of companies can benefit from having a presence on Pinterest. The photo-sharing platform is known for showcasing products, infographics, quotations, industry news, recipes, how-tos, and various other shareable content. Visuals are a fantastic way to tell a story and Pinterest is a brilliant way to share images. Links can be added to Pinterest posts, this can bring people to your website and can improve your SEO.

Instagram – The popularity of Instagram has now surpassed Twitter. Many brands have found that Instagram can connect their marketing with a younger audience. It’s a wonderful tool for your business to connect with like-minded people. Strong images and targeted hashtags are a great way to stand out on Instagram. You can add relevant links to your ‘Stories’ to send people to your website, blog posts, or other social media platforms.

YouTube – Posting videos about your business on YouTube is one of the best ways to educate people about your brand. Creating a YouTube page and posting video is an excellent way to build online credibility and showcase your products and services. It’s estimated that over five billion videos are watched on YouTube daily, and many of these are viewed on a mobile device. YouTube gives you a chance to show people why they should trust your business. You don’t need expensive gear and software to post on YouTube, the camera on your phone is a good way to get started.

Snapchat – Many brands are finding success by using Snapchat for their marketing. It’s estimated that over 100 million people use Snapchat daily and there are over a billion snaps sent. Snapchat’s ability to geo-locate creates some exciting opportunities to build a brand in a specific region. Snapchat has a very young demographic and it’s a tremendous tool for connecting with Millennials and Generation Z users.

We’ve helped businesses like you tell their stories on social media throughout Markham, Richmond Hill, and throughout the Toronto region. Our goal is to make you stand out and be found on the social media platforms your customers are already using every day. We believe that social media is more than simply getting more likes and followers, the most successful brands on social media build communities with loyal and engaged customers. Learn more about our social media marketing services by contacting us today.

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