SEO or PPC Advertising with Google AdWords: What Should Toronto Businesses Focus Their Marketing Dollars Towards

Should a company invest their marketing dollars into Search Engine Optimization (SEO), or spend it on PPC marketing with Google AdWords? This is actually one of the most common questions we receive from Toronto businesses interested in doing online marketing. The two Internet marketing strategies are very different, but also have a lot in common. Understanding how both work and their differences is a great way to take your digital marketing to the next level.

First, let’s begin by understanding how SEO works. Search Engine Optimization has been around since there were search engines. Basically, SEO is the practice of making a website more attractive to both Google and its visitors. There are a lot of ingredients that go into a well-planned SEO strategy including content development, link building, optimization of navigation, keyword-optimized META tags and dozens of other elements. A good SEO campaign is powered by data and engagement. Eventually, a well-designed SEO strategy will produce strong ROI by causing a website to rank high in organic web search results for keywords relevant to the brand.

SEO helps a website become more user-friendly to its visitors, therefore creating higher conversion rates. It’s important that a website loads quickly and have a mobile-friendly design; both elements weigh heavy in how Google ranks websites.

How long will it take SEO to have an impact on a website? This is one of the most common questions we are asked. SEO isn’t magic, it takes some time and hard work. Results and timeframes will vary greatly from business to business. Some websites may see results after a couple of weeks, others may need to wait for months or even longer. Organic traffic from Google is some of the most valuable and high-converting traffic a business can have. Ongoing SEO will generate strong traffic for the long-term.

Instant Google success can happen by running Google AdWords pay per click (PPC) ads. Results can often be seen within 24 hours and it’s easy to modify and tweak your campaigns. There are 3.5 billion searches done on Google every day and Google AdWords allows you the ability to pay for advertising on specific keyword searches. Google AdWords is a powerful tool with excellent ROI, the right PPC strategy can transform a business overnight.

Like any other form of advertising, it’s important to do your research when working with AdWords to come up with really strong ad copy and landing pages. Within a few days, you should be able to gain an understanding of how people find your site on Google and what keyword combinations produces the best traffic for an affordable price. High-performing PPC marketing doesn’t happen by accident, or by simply spending more money then the competition, they take work and constant fine-tuning.

It’s best to invest in both SEO and PPC in the early days of a marketing strategy, but the cost can be a factor. Budgets will vary from business to business and your company may not be ready to invest a lot of money into Google AdWords today. Like you, many Toronto companies are wondering what’s the best way to start with a shoestring budget. Starting with SEO will provide your business with an understanding of how people interact with your website and content. This knowledge can eventually become the foundation of your PPC advertising once your budget allows for it.

SEO and Google AdWords are two of the most effective and high-converting strategies in the digital marketing world today. Our Markham digital marketing agency has helped Toronto businesses like you take their marketing to the next level, by creating both SEO and PPC marketing rooted in strong ROI. Our experienced team will be happy to discuss the goals of your company and partner with you to create a digital marketing strategy that generates both leads and sales for the longterm.

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