Markham Website Design: Websites and the Future

Are you confident that if someone landed on your website right now, that they would be impressed by your Markham Website Design or ready to search for a new page in 10 seconds?

This is a very vital question you must ask every few months or so. Technology and trends change all the time. What was in last year, may not be in this year, always remember that.

The best policy for every entrepreneur is to stay in line with every change the world of technology has. And since most companies’ operations move online, its vital to know and be able to incorporate the Markham website design trends that exist in that present time.

New Trends

  • Dynamic Content

As customers, we want information that is relevant to us and is presented in the most accessible and brief way. Websites that display dynamic content have the highest engagement and conversion rates.

But what is dynamic content? This is information, visuals or data that are shown to users based on behaviours, geo location, or interests. So if I was using a website while in New York and then travel to Paris, the content I would see, will be different even though I am looking at the same page.


  • Accessibility and Availability

It’s the 21st century, its only logical as a society, we start taking various disabilities seriously and make it easy for disabled people to access information on the web. Websites need to 100% put focus into making all pages and posting accessibly and have available functionalities for different uses, and as well as a comprehensive design that caters to all.

  • Voice Activated Interfaces

Voice search has been growing all over the world for the past two years. More people everyday are starting to use voice assistants to look information up, rather that surfing search engines, such as Google. Therefore, the rise in voice activated uses on your website are inevitable. So, as a user, you should be able to speak to your website and tell it what you want to see.

  • Micro-animations

Previously, videos were the biggest trend of Markham website design. And don’t think they don’t matter anymore, videos are still the most engaging form of content, but they also could be slowing your website quite a bit. So, in this year of 2021 and beyond, we see micro-aminations taking the spotlight.

What is micro-aminations? Well, GIFS are one great example of micro-aminations. This type of content enhances the users experience and prompt website visitors to take actions.

  • Bold Colours

After the disaster of a year 2020 was, we all need more colour, positivity, and joy in our lives. That’s part of the reason why bold colours dominate the Markham website design trends in 2021.

Each colour sends a subconscious message to users and has a special meaning in costumer psychology. Do your specific research on colours and see which of them represents you and your company’s values.

  • Clear Message on Your Focus

Ever wonder what you really need on your company’s homepage? A great but short explanation. We are an ultra-customer society, and we don’t have time for stuff we don’t need to read or care about. Doesn’t matter the selling point, values and or missions, they need to be presented in one easy and simple but unique message, and be the first thing they see.

  • Data Vision

Larger percentage of the human population responds better to visual than word content. And while most of us care about information that is statistical, we often don’t understand what it means if we can see it. Data is a vital asset to display on your website in this year, but what would make you noticeable is envisioned data.

  • Dark Mode

It started with one social platform, Twitter. Then almost every social media platform jumped on the trend as well. Apple joined in with one of the recent updates of the IOS system. We can clearly see that it is a trend especially in Markham website design, and you should have it incorporated too. It has different uses, but it can be brought back to Trend #3. Accessibility and availability. It can allow users to strain their eyes less and reduce pressure. Which can cause headaches and long-term sight problems.

Continuing Trends – Markham Website Design

It’s not just about new, but popular continuing trends too. There are leading features and design requirements that have been important for many years and are going nowhere for a while.

  • Page Load Time

Page loading time has always been one of the most vital conditions for a well-optimised and transforming website. But if you could previously get away with a website that loads in 4 seconds or less, now you need to try even harder. A large portion of users report they will not stay on a website if the page takes longer than 2 seconds to load.

  • Lead Generation Forms

Social media is unleveled these days. Which is why your email list is one of the biggest business assets you can have. Successful websites in the 2020s have well-designed lead generation forms on their pages to help the growth of that list. Ask for the bare minimum of information that you need. In most cases it would be name and email address. In some cases, you may need age, or gender on some other data, but don’t go overboard.

  • Improved Chat Bots

Chat bots have been around for a long time now. Of course, they are going to stay, but to remain competitive online you need to make sure your bot sound more like human they before. The truth is no one like chatting to a machine, the more humanized and personalized the conversation is the better.

  • Interactivity

As we consume most days and time online, we are in ever-growing need of a two-way interaction between the brand and the customer. It’s crucial to provide interactive elements on your website, so that your visitors feel a sense of community you are building around your company.

  • Minimalism and Clean

This trend has been around all of 2020, and it stuck into this year as well. The reason is having to do with is psychology, the cleaner and more simplistic the design, the more space for mental activity and desire to discover the website more.

  • White Space

Don’t fill in all white areas on your website with colour or elements. Let users focus on the key information that you are trying to relay. More engagement, less distractions, more white space, and the best part; higher conversions.

Old News

Here are some past trends, that you should leave in the past. And if you still do some, try to look into changing to some newer trends that we listed above.

  • Video Background

Video backgrounds are in the past because they once were big in the past. Unfortunately, that sort of design is not trendy anymore. Plenty of reasons why but one of the most important is page loading time.

Video backgrounds make your pages considerably slower to load and if your traffic increases beyond a specific point, the website performance will not be what you want. You can keep the positive aspects of screen motion by adding mircoanimaton or 3D elements, which are still in trend currently.

  • Traditional Colours

Don’t be boring in your Markham Web Design. Even if you are aiming to suggest a feeling of extravagance and distinctiveness, add an attractive colour to the traditional white and black mix. You’ll see the contemporary edge you gave your website doing so.

  • Click-loops

If your visitors still need to click more than two times to get to what they want, you are not doing it correct. We can show you show to shorten the click journey as much as possible and present all the information in two clicks.

Now that we have shown you all the current, continuing, and old trends, we hope you have a better understanding of what your website needs to succeed in 2021 and the future. What your website communicates to an online audience is how they will perceive your business. First impressions are important online.

We are creative and we are not afraid to bring the latest online design methods to you.

Custom Website Development Markham, by Insiteful Solutions. Serving Markham, Toronto and surrounding areas.

Interested? Let’s talk Web Design!

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