Digital Marketing & Covid-19 – What is the New Normal?

Digital Marketing & COVID-19 – How do we return to normal?

Zero businesses were left the same after the pandemic. The bulk of web design and marketing companies instantaneously felt pressures as consumers withdrew, budgets were decreased, and companies struggled to work out how to enhance their online existence.

The presence of Covid-19 started in 2019, but it was not until January 2020, that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. By July 2021, the number of positive cases hit 185 million cases worldwide, with over 4 million deaths worldwide.

With that number of positive covid-19 cases, more than 169 million people from the 185 million, have fully recovered. Scientists have found vaccines that work, so we may be closer to the end of Covid-19 than we feel. But the pandemic is not just a healthcare crisis, it also is an economic crisis for all businesses, not knowing what could happen next.

Covid-19 has left zero unaffected.

The pandemic has interrupted routine life as we know.  Restaurants have closed their dining rooms until further notice. Shopping malls were closed for a very long period of time, only doing curbside pick up, if they were lucky. We even went through a period where bottles of hand sanitizer and cases of toilet paper were flying off shelves, causing some people unable to purchase any, which caused most essential stores to create the “one per family rule”.

In Canada, the majority of companies started to shut down their offices as early on as March 2020, and working from home developed to the new standard for businesses that had the essential infrastructure and data to set up all employees from home.

Business owners have faced tremendous encounters. Businesses worldwide have been put to the test, forcing them to manage and operate in many diverse methods that they have never performed beforehand. The only thing we know is that if you want your company to survive during a period such as this, you need to be able to adapt.

Every business had to revaluate its short-term and long-term strategies to endure and develop during such a period. One of the main priorities that businesses have during Covid-19 is their financial health.

What Changed? – Working Remotely

Before Covid-19 hit the world, most web design businesses managed using a comparable system, a main office with online support. With the lockdown, most web design businesses were required to count on remote resolutions for developers and designers.

Gradually over time, the traditional office disappeared and was replaced by home offices that were equipped and had collaborative software. Covid-19 affected any type of business that could not make the move to remote work, no matter what the size.

For several web design businesses, the vital key to continuing on was the software and programs they depended on. Additional procedures that were previously conducted on-premises were rapidly switched over with digital tools to off-premises.

The Significance of Accepting the Digital Era

When we all started to realize that we had a long period of time before the lockdown would be over, it was very clear that we need to rely on modern technology to sustain a normal life. We started to see and learn more about buying things from home, working from home, communicating over different video-call services from home instead of person to person, and the major thing in common with all of these new methods we picked up during lockdown, is based off technology and companies starting to incorporate the Digital Era.

It is not just technology that is changing. Customers and the behaviours they have are changing. We witnessed this when there was a huge panic in shopping which caused record spikes in online retail. It does not matter if it is groceries apps, household items online stores, or clothing stores, people now rely on the Internet to shop. And this will carry on after COVID-19.

A Digital Presence is a Must – Digital Marketing

Before COVID-19, financing a site was an addition for numerous companies. Currently, going without one is no longer a choice for every company that would like to be well off during and after the pandemic.

With the era we are in now, having a digital footprint is a must. Every day, more people start to use the internet for shopping, looking for businesses, searching for products and or services. Your business should always be where the customers are.

How to Think Digital

  • Ecommerce

As the big change in online shopping continues, companies have reached out to web designers to help their company get back on their feet and have a smooth-running, updated website at all times with the current demand that can offer e-commerce solutions.

  • Plan for Success

Working with Web Design companies can create your brand a successful digital marketing plan. They will incorporate critical strategies to boost your online presence, such as social media marketing, content marketing, different elements of search engine optimization (SEO), and others.

  • Stay Updated Online

Every day the online world is changing. More people are joining in the demand of being online for shopping, social media, news, and more. Changing for customers and following updates are key for your website to stay active. You want to make it a very easy and welcoming experience as you would if it was in the store or in the office.


Creating a website for your business and staying updated with it, is a key to success in this era. Insiteful Solutions has a proven track record for innovative website design results that appeal to your target market and enhance your website traffic.

We established an exceptional system for entrepreneurial business owners and their marketing decisions, called The Targeted Insite Solution™. It provides the insight you need to draw in and always connect with your target audience.

Interested? Let’s talk Web Design. Give us a call.

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